Joe Gilmore

5 min read

Website V7.00

Hello Everyone - Today we launched our brand spanking new website, built using the latest web technologies around we have made it as quick as we possibly can

Website V7.00

Brand new 3D Names Website

We hope you like our brand spanking new website! We've given it a new facelift and tried to make it super fast for the best browsing experience possible!

The technical details:

The 3D Names website has been going since 2006, back then it was first built using really old Classic ASP, along the way it got converted over to using PHP/MySQL, and today it's now sat within the cloud using AWS Amplify & CloudFront and with a sprinkle of CloudFlare on top!

The frontend has also been given a new facelift, and we have made use of React to try and deliver the site to end users with as quick page loading times as possible. By careful use of Pre-fetching we have attempted to make page loading times almost feel instant, even on mobile devices

Not to forget SEO, we have also made use of a fantastic library made by Tanner Linsley @ called React Static - which has allowed us to "pre-render" our nearly 2 million pages

One problem we faced when deciding to use something like React that although it gives amazing page loading speeds, it is ultimately bad for SEO because technically it's an SPA (single page application) meaning any search engine only sees a single /index.html file

React Static helped us to fix this by letting us create 2 million end points in order to load our SPA from, so it works great for both SEO and for a lightening quick user experience!

>> Try out our new website now, search for your name

>> Read more about React Static